Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Oran: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly :: essays research papers fc

Oran The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly     Oran, peaceful and unprepargond, is overcome by Bubonic fire.Separation, isolation and want become the common lot of distinct characterswhose actions, thoughts and feelings constitute a dynamic story of manimprisoned. Prior to the closing, people went about their business as usual, closely oblivious to the plague. When Oran was shut off from the world, itsresidents had to adapt to the new conditions of animateness. Men reacted to theterrible visitation in different ways, according to their beliefs and characters.I believe their reactions were based on their personality and their experienceduring the plague. Each react to the circumstances of the plague in a unique way,and emerge from the plague with his own new perspective of spiritedness and its values.     The residents of Oran are as travelers on a long, straight, boring road.They came upon the plague as a traveler comes upon an unexpected fork i n theroad. Some veer left, nigh right. A few are unaffected by (or unaware of) thefork in the road, and proceed straight ahead with their lives with very minisculechange in habit. These persons lift themselves above the desperation and focustheir actions on the grueling responsibility of making life better forthemselves and others.     The greatest affliction the citizens of Oran suffer when visited by theplague is not fear but the sense of separation, the loneliness of exile, thepain of imprisonment. The plague has an affect on most everyone in Oran. Somebecome better people, any(prenominal) worse. Grand, Rambert and Paneloux are all markedlychanged afterward. Dr. Rieux and Tarrou are virtually unaffected. Cottardundergoes but a temporary metamorphosis.     Monsieur Cottard is a criminal hunted by the law. A silent, secretive,plump little man, he comes to Oran to hide from prosecution. M. Cottard isbasically a man lacking in morals, drive and direction, a, " a travelingsalesman in wines and spirits."He tries unsuccessfully to hang himself when life seems hopeless. Priorto the plague, he had an aloofness and mistrusted everyone. When the plaguedescends upon the city, he develops an altruistic side. He sets out to helppeople. He becomes more amiable as the plague progressed through with(predicate) the population.He tries to take control of his life but becomes discouraged by circumstances.Rather than dealing with the circumstances effectively, he allows them todominate his life. When the plague passes, and his philanthropic efforts areoutmoded, he looses his humanitarian side and starts randomly shooting. Theplague gave him only a temporary suspension from prosecution and the plague had

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